195. Walter W. WHITEFORD was born on 27 Dec 1878 in Near PawPaw Illinois. He was born on 27 Dec 1878 in Pawpaw, Illinois. He was born on 27 Dec 1878 in Pawpaw, Illinois, USA. He died in Iowa. He was reared on his father's farm and received a common school education, supplementing this by a business course at Hiland Park. Since attaining mature years he has been engaged in the grain business, having worked eight years for Gilchrist & Company of McGregor. He was then for two years with the Northwestern Life Insurance Company, but in August, 1908, he engaged in the grain business at Randalia on his own account. He met with success from the start and is now numbered among the prosperous business men of the community. Politically, he is a Republican, while he and his wife attend and support the Methodist Episcopal church.

He was married to Lulu BEAMER in Jul 1906 in Iowa. He was married to Lulu BEAMER. Lulu BEAMER was born in West Union. Walter W. WHITEFORD and Lulu BEAMER had the following children:

child227 i. Elizabeth A WHITEFORD.
child228 ii. Margaret M WHITEFORD.