Family Search. The IGI plus more on the web, fully searchable. Handy tip, when you have found an entry you are interested in, copy the Batch Number then do the search again with the Batch Number entered in the search Scrren and the Forenames removed. You'll probably pull up all the local relations at the same time.... Genforum - Whiteford. Whiteford Query forum Genforum - Whitford. Whitford Query forum Scots.Origins The Scottish Record Office's Online Register Search Ayrshire Historical Organisation Wonderful source for background information on the history of Western Scotland. Whytfoords of Milntoun & Blairquahan - good resume on some of the more well known and notoreous Whitefords of History. I'm afarid it looks like this site no longer exists Bob Holloway's Site full of great utility software, links to good searchable databases and details of his own researches. The Edina Project Site containing online versions of the 1791-99 & 1849 Statistical Accounts of Scotland, a goldmine of contemparary information. View Old Maps online and order them if you want them. The Scots at War a promising new website on Scotland's military heritage. American Family Immigration History Center new (17 April 2001) site to allow research into the famous Ellis Island's immegration records in the USA. Currently the site is running a bit slow! Brian Whiteford's Website Part of the Family Tree MAker Website these pages feature a cool interactive family tree! Chas Whiteford's Website Covering an Australian branch of the family. Scotland's People The wonderful SRO backed site, one-stop shop for civil and OPR registers.